How to Keep Your Tranny Cool and Extend its Life

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It’s gotten SO hot under the hood, BMW/MINIS have gone to putting a fan on the steering pump, and some Range Rovers have a water-cooled alternator! Crazy!

The problems are:

1) Heat is the MORTAL ENEMY of your engine. The higher the temp, the faster engine oil breaks down and the shorter the most-effective part of its life-cycle is.

2) Heat puts a strain on and advances the failure point of virtually everything under your hood.

3) Heat “Soaks” and heat “Migrates”. So when your engine heats up, the heat migrates to, and heats up, the transmission. The hotter the transmission, the quicker the fluids break down. So, their lubricity drops, so wear increases and transmission life decreases.

But why has heat in the engine compartment gone up?

There are two main reasons:

Reason #1: The Feds keep upping the emission standards (I’m not against clean air, but I hate the heat – – anywhere – – especially under the hood! From here, it migrates, thanks to “heat soak” to your vehicle’s interior – making you hotter – and to your expensive-to-repair/replace transmission – which is now more delicate due to more ‘speeds’ (gears) and, more electrical solenoids, etc. – so more expensive to repair/replace!

When the Feds raise the emissions standards, the extra work the engine does to do more filtering/cleaning means more heat! But the hotter the engine runs the more of its pollutants it burns off (more heat = more burning off). So, the government likes to see the operating temps go up! From the beginning of automotive history, the operating temp was 180˚, and this was true through the mid-1980’s, which is when emissions controls were loaded on – and now the standard, routine engine operating temp is 210˚ – 30˚ higher! Imagine a comfortable spring day, with a temperature of 72˚. Add 30˚ to that, and you get a 102˚ day, so 30˚ is a BIG difference!

And some vehicles are designed to run hotter than that! Considering water boils at 212˚, man that is getting HOT!
In official Police testing, our RunCool Hood Louvers (Size Large, Hi-Flow) lowered underhood temps by 47 ˚. That is HUGE. That more than offsets the 30 ˚ engine operating temp increases of recent years!

Reason #2: There is much more ‘stuff’ under the hood. So everything looks like it’s crammed in there. This reduces the pathways through which cooler air can travel to remove the heat.

So, RunCool Hood Louvers are needed now, more than ever!

Now you can understand how these pay for themselves the more you use them!

So, call us, or go to our website and get your order in, today!

By | 2017-05-29T02:01:05+00:00 December 8th, 2014|Blog, Bob's Tech Tips|0 Comments

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