Hood Louvers – A Must For Towing! Especially If You Tow A Horse Trailer!

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Hood Louvers – A Must For Towing! Especially If You Tow A Horse Trailer! 2017-05-29T02:01:03+00:00

Greater Peace of Mind and Comfort, and Lower Operating Costs, with
RunCool® Hood Louvers!

Towing a trailer puts an extra strain on your vehicle . . . and you! The temp under the hood can skyrocket. This reduces power, fuel economy, component service life and A/C efficiency and raises operating costs and the temperature in the cabin – and increases the chances of a breakdown — as well as your worry!
The last thing you want — especially if you’re towing horses —  is to be stranded on the roadside, which, on a hot day, could quickly threaten the health of your horses (not to mention, you!). Rather than enjoying the trip, you worry. . . “Is my engine going to overheat and break down?”

The answer! RunCool Hood Louvers – ventilated aluminum panels that pop rivet on your hood to let the hot air out of your overheated engine compartment – and lower the temp in your cabin.

They really work, because hot air rises!

Desert-proven and used for years by the U.S. Border Patrol – where lives are at stake in the hot desert – – they are also relied upon by auto racers, long-haul diesel truckers, off-roaders, boat racers, police officers, firefighters , and aircraft owners – – all with one thing in common: engine compartment over-heating.

Police testing shows they lower under-hood temps by 47°. This means:

1. Less chance of a breakdown
2. More pulling power
3. Cooler A/C
4. Cooler cabin (less heat to radiate into it)
5. Lower engine temp
6. Better fuel economy
7. Longer engine life
8. Longer under-hood component life (sensitive electrical components, relays, ABS brake unit, etc. can fail due to heat!)

RunCool Hood Louvers pay for themselves in increased comfort, improved performance and operating savings. And you – – and your equestrian companions – – will travel more dependably and reliably, with fewer worries and greater peace of mind!

The set includes two (2) professional -grade ventilated aluminum hood louver panels and pop rivets – – and even the correct-size drill bit. The Instructions, included, are clear and simple, such that most owners install them themselves.

With two streamlined panels per Hood Louver kit, and in your choice of three finishes, all vehicles that tow horses can use one of the sizes below, in our HI-Flow™ configuration:

Size Large (11” X 17” per panel): $209 for Aluminum; $229 for Powder- Coated Black or White.

Size Long (7 ½” X 33” per panel): $209 for Aluminum; $229 for Powder- Coated Black or White.

Size XL (13” X 21” per panel): $259 for Aluminum; $289 for Powder- Coated Black or White.

Subsidized shipping is only $12 per order, and satisfaction is guaranteed, or return in 30 days for a full refund, including shipping. If you have the slightest doubt, see our website for nearly 100 unsolicited testimonials from our highly satisfied customers (including law enforcement officers!).

Call for free advice and/or to order.

Run cool . . . and worry free!

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